18 July, 2021

Things I want to remember about this week 7/10 - 7/17, 2020: A List

- a great deal of "clothing optional" swimming and sunbathing. Not sorry at all

- A glorious trip to San Francisco centered around the LGBTQAI+ journey and history in this historic city. 

- Eating delicious bao and dim sum in downtown San Francisco 

- A foggy drive across the Golden Gate bridge whilst listening to this... 

- Meeting my new friend and teacher, poet Thomas Centolella for the first time IRL (a friendship born, believe it or not, of this very blog!)  

- meeting my new friend and soul-sister Leta from ^ Tom's poetry class (because even though I attend online from New York, the class is held at College of Marin County... where I am as we speak. Fate!)

- Muir Woods. ....Magic

- Tati being extra

- beautiful drives

-  introversion paradise

- marveling at a mask-less California (is this... the Time Before?!

- seeing so very many hummingbirds

- writing poems 


- reading Phillip Pullman's The Amber Spyglass on audio-book as we float in the pool.

- Drinking wine flights in Sausalito with my love

- meeting important people to Alec who now live in NoCal.

- cooking so many delicious things from the farmer's market 

- preparing to leave the USA for London...

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