Future possibility:
Sophie DePalma: A Road Trip with Sharon
[includes preliminary scenes composed yesterday with Laquita that go roughly like this:
Sophie: Hi Sharon, um... I heard you live in Ohio and I live in Michigan so maybe we could roadtrip it back together after the semester is over...? I have a car, pop some Rossini in the tape-deck and ride into the Midwest together? ...
Sharon: [pause] No.
Sophie: Hi there Sharon
Sharon: [silence]
Sophie: Okay. Well sooooooo sorry to bother you about this but could I borrow your Norma score? I'm working on Teneri figli and was studying in the bath and whoops! dropped it in and I have a coaching in an hour and.. you know... it would be soooo great if you would lend me yours and I'll give it right back safe and sound I promise! [smiles]
Sharon: [eyes wide, not blinking, stares at her in total whyareyoueventalkingtome astonishment] No.
[she walk away, and just before she turns a corner--] and girl, you should stop studying in the bath!
After these scenes Sharon's flight is cancelled due to apocalyptic winter weather and she concedes to go with Sophie on the road trip in order to make it back to Ohio in time for Christmas... with hilaaaaaarious consequences! Thoughts?
And other possibilities include: Sophie DePalma and the Lost Umbrella
Sophie DePalma: Down Under
Sophie on the Roof
Sophie DePalma's SCHOOL OF ROCK
Sophie Knows What You Did Last Summer
Sophie at the Bat
Are you there God? It's me Sophie.
Sophie DePalma Explains it All For You
Basically, Sophie DePalma is the gift that keeps on giving...

"Sophie takes out full-page advertisement in New York Times (paid for by her Russian mafia sabrillionaire boyfriend): SOPHIE DE PALMA, STUDENT OF MARIA CALLAS, NOW OFFERING VOICE LESIONS.
Only after it goes to press does someone bring her attention to the fact that it says lesions and not lessons.
She is however contacted by several late-career singers looking for a way to wind down. She succeeds in giving them vocal lesions through the same exercises she used for vocal lessons, they file for workman's compensation on their last job, her husband pays their legal bills, and she becomes quite famous for destroying voices on a tight schedule. Late in life, after her trial in the Hague on charges of genocide, she tells the Washington Post, "There are so many teachers out there building voices, I thought it would be good to help people destroy them. I mean, what are you going to do with a great big voice if you're just going to end up in a little room in an old people's home? Where are you going to put it. Do you really think the family is going to STORE it?"
Farewell Sophie DePalma: You were not only a lovely, well-meaning, sensitive girl capable of such depth and feeling... you were also a hell of a hoot. Don't be a stranger.
Over and out.