07 September, 2020

Labor [Day] of Love

On this Labor Day, 2020, I imagine we are all feeling peculiar things about the concept of “labor” in a world largely on pause.

Many of us as performing artists have been abandoned and ridiculed by our government for not having a “real job.” To that I reply with Nick Westrate's brilliant quote:
“A labor of love is still labor.”
So on this unusual Labor Day, let’s talk about this glorious labor of love.
During “Master Class,” the genius that is Tyne Daly taught me a phrase that her actress-mother taught her:
    “Deeper. Fuller. Richer. Better.”
I think that sums it up as well as anything ever could. It’s my intention, it is my aspiration, it is my devotion.
Over the years, I’ve learned this:

Give fewer F*CKS and way more DAMNS!
To give fewer F*CKS about the stuff that does NOT truly matter (praise, awards, fame, followers), and a lot more *DAMNS* about the stuff that does (ethics, courage, growth, lessons learned, relationships made, contributions to society at large). It’s less about me and more about how I can stay connected to my core values and above all, to SERVE.

So. On this Labor Day I am vowing to continue to create and make works that matter to me personally as well as socially. I want to continue to learn new things and sharpen old knives. I intend to make personal, profound, universal, connective, and relevant work that matters to humanity on any scale.
I intend to keep walking my talk.
What about you, friends?
Happy Labor Day, one and all.
May we all continue to labor in love.

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