15 September, 2020

Great Big Medication Day

 Hello from the very wonderful Mount Sinai! I got a new Great Big Medication today to help support me in my auto-immune journey.

I’m 100 emotions: relieved, excited, hopeful...and anxious that this medication also ...will not work.
It’s a process. It’s a journey. And it’s incredibly complicated.

I won’t lie: while I AM rocking a positive attitude (and I have a LOT of perspective about the “size” of this personal issue in comparison to others/the world), I don’t want you to think that I have
not had moments of crushing weariness, despair, or the devastating  frustration of being “SO SICK OF BEING SICK” inside a political trash-fire and a global pandemic.
I have.
And if you have too? It’s okay.
That’s allowed.
It doesn’t make you an ungrateful jerk or a big weenie.
Humans are resilient beings with a massive capacity to endure, and I know I am strong AF. But sometimes I think 

     “People know and expect Al Silber to be strong AF, and I don’t want to betray that image in people’s minds, or to MYSELF.
But “things being hard” doesn’t change that.
Our spirits can be resilient when we are cheerful,
     and our spirits are strong when we are distressed and in need.
We may be fragmented, we maybe wounded.
But we are no less *whole.*

There is no “cure” for autoimmune diseases—only long-term remission and maintenance. There will be setbacks (for all of us), but I love life so darn much (yes, even in 2020) and look forward to many more healthy, fully-lived, days to come!

Onwards, with courage and integrity.

. . .

PS. I won’t tell you what my new prescription is called because I don’t want you to think this is any kind of advertisement, and also because (and this is FULL, unapologetic shade) this Rx has THE actual *WEIRDEST* commercial I’ve ever seen—and for a Rx advert that is really saying something...


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