13 May, 2019

Things that are NOT for me: a List

- Super spicy food

- Rap music

- “Bra-lettes”

- Anything described as “cringe-TV”

- Facebook

- Romance novels

- Black licorice

- TikTok. [Come on. I’m exhausted.]

- "Clubbing" as a verb.

- Pretending things are “okay” when they are not

- Bachelorette parties (of any description)

- “Natural deodorant”

- What I’ll simply call: “aspirational clothing”

- Participating in the “cult of deprivation” [ie, pretending it is cool to not eat and not sleep and brag that you’re getting away with being a zombie]

- Speaking of zombies, Zombie-Related anything

- The witching hour of 4-5am.

- Passive aggression

- Skim milk [or, any milk really. Dairy isn’t my friend. But skim milk is just a joke]

- Caring at all about what other people think

© hula seventy

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