15 May, 2019

Journal Prompts 3 — Three Things

Contrary to popular belief, our forefathers (and mothers thankyouverymuch) did know a thing or five. There is increasing evidence to support the notion that journaling has a scientifically measurable positive impact on physical well-being. Essentially? Journaling is literally good for your health.

It makes sense: writing removes mental blocks and allows you to use both hemispheres of your brain simultaneously to better understand yourself, others and the world around you, thus reducing stress, which releases inflammatory chemicals that wreak havoc on our physical bodies over time.

It is self-evident that journaling clarifies your thoughts and feelings, and helps us to know ourselves better. 

But journaling’s capacity to reduce stress by releasing anger, sadness, and intense emotions; to solve problems effectively, resolves conflicts with others and understand alternative points of view is underestimated. 

In addition to all of these wonderful benefits, keeping a journal allows you to track patterns, trends and improvement, and growth over time. When current circumstances appear insurmountable, you will be able to look back on previous dilemmas that you have since resolved.


Prompt:  Three Things

    •    Three things you can’t go without.
    •    Three celebrity crushes.
    •    Three favorite book characters.
    •    Three favorite things to wear.
    •    Three things you want in a relationship.
    •    If you had to evacuate your home because of a natural disaster, what three things would you take with you?
    •    Three pet peeves.
    •    Three things you’d do if you weren’t so afraid.
    •    Three favorite TV shows.

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