02 January, 2018

The One-Party-Per-Month Plan

Welcome, 2018!

My goal for this calendar year (I don't really like the term "New Year's Resolution—it sounds like something is innately broken and requires resolving. Goals are go-get-em and all-positive) is to have one party or gathering in my home per month. I know I know. It sounds a little overwhelming but hear me out.

I have hinted on this blog about my health journey, and though I am nearly ready to share its depths, I can share a bit  that one of the overall woes was the sensation that my life was getting smaller and smaller. It was a necessity of sorts—my wonderful little haven of an apartment (along with Tatiana's healing cuddles) became a kind of cocoon for my daily restoration.

However, I sensed a need to break open once more.

That said, I still have my limitations (not to mention my introvert nature!)—and I realized that going from fetal position to CLUBBING ALL NIGHT was not really going to be trajectory when it came to "getting back out into the world." (Plus, let's be frank: I'm in my thirties, Y'all. I don't "club" as a verb. Ever. And I didn't at any age but that's not even the point.) Anyway! My goal was to open my life, my heart, re-introduce myself to the world again, on my own terms.

The solution?

Use my own wonderful home! The place that has served me so well as a place of healing and womb-like restoration, can now be a place to gather friends old and new. I vow to throw one gathering or party in my home per calendar month, for every month of 2018. This will allow me to socialize meaningfully, in my own space, at my own pace, filling this previously closed off space with loving energy and new energy, for the purpose of opening my life again.

Here's to open hearts and open homes.

from The Hanukkah Hoedown

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