01 December, 2022

The only person you can heal, change, and fix is yourself.

Note to Self: The only person you can heal, change, and fix is yourself. 
Let go of the idea that you have to be the savior for everyone around you and embrace the freedom that comes from focusing on your own growth and well-being.
People are not projects.
By nurturing yourself, you create a ripple effect of change and healing that inspires others to embark on their personal journey to self-discovery. 
You don't have to say much. 
You don't have to save anyone. 
Let your actions speak. 
Let others be a witness. 
Your evolution can sometimes be the best encouragement.
Healing by example is a beautiful thing. 
 It took me a long time to realize that it's a form of deep respect to others, to let them have their lessons, struggles and challenges. By attempting to expedite their growth, was not really fair to them, and was more about me. Others are sovereign beings who decide when and how they grow into more of who they want to be, when they are ready to do so. Sometimes this deep acceptance and lack of interference or meddling, with no agenda is the healing agent. It's so liberating to pour that energy into one's own growth and to (like a dance) invite or let go of whoever can flow with that. 


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