06 December, 2021

Keep lighting candles

Happy festival of lights.
Tonight the chanukiah will be full. It's my favorite night of Hanukkah.
This year I just want to keep lighting candles, over and over again, night after night, all winter long. Let’s get every dusty menorah down from the dusty back rooms and abandoned closets we haven’t laid eyes on in years, and just keep lighting and lighting until we fully illuminate every place, every space in ourselves, that hasn’t seen light for a very long time.

The miracle is the spark of hope, the possibility that tomorrow is a new day.

So let's go gather all of our chanukiot and as we light again and again, we will keep telling the story of the 1 jar of oil that lasted 8 nights, and the less-powerful defeating the too-powerful, not because it was true but because we believe it can be.
Chag urim sameach.


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