01 May, 2020

On this, the First day of May: a List

- Blossoms, noted

- Long days [of soft, Impressionist-painting-like] light, noted

- The heart-crushing need to control my pandemic experience, relaxed

- Spring, sprung

- Grain-free loaves of bread, made

- Values, re-assessed

- Murder, She Wrote, [all of it, all twelve seasons, I’m not kidding,] watched. 

- Zoom, mastered.

- Hallway, living room AND kitchen, re-painted [for the first time since 2010]

- Plants, purchased [and the outside, brought in]

- Other [quite splendid] DIY, underway

- The sobriety of the loss-of-life, fear, economic toll, inanity of our non-leader, ABSORBED

- Alec, adored

- Tati, worshipped 

- It's been raining nonstop here in New York the entire week [on this, what feels like March 57th, in the year of our Lord, 2020] so we are still consuming warm foods and drinks because, pandemic. Because, comforting. 

-  The realization that April 2020 was singular in its shared global lockdown. In March, the reality of COVID was still creeping up on the Western world. Here in May, certain parts of the planet are on the other side and easing restrictions. For all its horrors, April was singular in its shared Quieting across the world. It somehow felt special that every citizen of the planet was in this Pandemic experience together, and however harrowing, sharing something.

- Tra-la, it's May my loves. 


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