31 March, 2020

Things seen on my solo-walk today: a List

- a can of root beer, completely flattened

- not one single open shop or restaurant or store

- a flattened, abandoned N95 face mask

- a singular latex glove

- the east river, almost utterly still, like glass

- a brand new park at 34th Ave and the East River that I’ve never laid eyes on before, despite living in Astoria for almost a decade.

- crushed magnolia leaves, just fallen

- what appeared to be the entire contents of a Queens apartment, left out at the curb, in neat piles, as if they were furniture corpses evidenced of a previous life being laid out in greatest, Viking-funeral-like, respect

- an accidental arrangement of garbage so lovely I walked around it so as not to disturb it

- a couple doing laundry at the laundromat in makeshift hazmat suits

- a man walking his beagle in a scuba mask, terror in his eyes

- a little bit of sunshine, which went a long, long way

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