24 June, 2015

Eros and Psyche

I am unspeakably proud to present a film version of the 'Eros and Psyche' theatre-piece our 12:15 Acting created as part of Pace School of Performing Arts first-year final Greek presentations at Pace University.

Starring Kevin Csolak and Bethany Tesarck, this classic tale is probably one of the most beautiful Greek myths.

Psyche was a woman gifted with extreme beauty and grace, one of the mortal women whose love and sacrifice for her beloved immortal husband Eros earned her immortality (as Greek word “psyche” implies, the deity of soul). Psyche symbolizes a self-search and personal growth through adversity, passion, loss, and pursuit of true love.

Enjoy the extraordinary efforts of my dedicated and passionate first-year students. They fill my heart and soul with every possible joy.

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