12 November, 2010

The day-making Nancy Opel Facebook thread

Background conversation that took place a few months ago:

Nancy Opel: Facebook is great.

Al: Yeah... I kinda love it too. It used to be such a great way for me to feel connected from London with everyone back home. Now it serves the same function the other way around. Plus, I love that you can just think of someone and instantly, for free, let them know.

Nancy: Love.

Al: Wait, question: how is it that you have like four thousand friends?

Nancy:  I friend everyone on Facebook. EV-RY-ONE. I like thinking I having more friends than anyone else on Facebook. It feels great. The only people I ignore are people who friend me from like, a remote island pictured in a canoe or something. That's where I draw the line.

Al: ...A canoe? That is your line? That's not a terribly discerning line...

Nancy: ... [pause] ...I know... It is the line I use nonetheless...


Facebook status:

Nancy Opel globe-trotting photo dweeb.

Alexandra Silber:  -  I THINK YOU ROCK.
Nancy Opel:  -  mwah. I want to take your picture.
Alexandra Silber: ‎  -  1. let's! although I'm not very photogenic 2. can we do a few shots... in a canoe . . . ? 3. mwah back
Nancy Opel:  -- doing a few shots in a canoe sounds potentially dangerous, with or without a camera....;)
Alexandra Silber: ‎...but what if i made it my profile pic? (Enticing?) -- or wait! would you de-friend me?! ;)
Alexandra Silber: - PS) tequila shots in the canoe, then photos OF the canoe after... no danger. Oh no. Only good times. Very very good times.
Nancy Opel: - I took Miss Baldwin's pic that she used as her profile pic for quite some time, I'm proud to say...took it the day we left for London. And disenfriendment is an unlikely possibility...
Nancy Opel: - but will the canoe be ON WATER?...because it does sound like fun.
Alexandra Silber: - let's DO it Opel. You are on! Then we can go to Shake Shack after....
Nancy Opel: -  SHAKE SHAAAAAAAAAAAACK......the magic words. MY magic words.
Alexandra Silber: - Oh yes the canoe WILL be on the water.
Alexandra Silber: - PS) this thread is making my day. x
Nancy Opel: - Yeah, me too.

Response: Alexandra Silber likes this.


  1. get your head out of the clouds bobby strong... GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE CLOUDS!!

  2. Al, you tell Nancy Opel I said she was better in the sack than Angelina Jolie. Nancy will claim not to remember. That minx.

  3. omg i love her.
