27 February, 2009


I apologise for my temporary hiatus from bloggage. I have had a jam packed two weeks; and I can't go in to a tremendous amount of detail because it is "classified" and all that...

.... Buuuuuut it may or may not have involved a workshop of a new piece (that was actually very good--- which is exceptional, because workshops are often pretty atrocious) that included me dancing, yes dancing (!!) with... WITH... the great Mr. Cooper. There was singing and acting and dancing and the stage smooching of two lovely men and well, it was just thoroughly marvelous. I worked hard doing double duty, rehearsing during the day and performing in Carousel at night, but it was worth it to feel creative and challenged again. It was exhausting in the best possible way and utterly exhilarating.

The other exciting thing-a-majig is something I am not ready to share with all of you yet... but it has something to do with writing. I promise to share more when the time is right.

But I will say this... this has been one of the best fortnights of my recent life.

My return to bloggage begins again this weekend. Thank you for your patience. We will be on the move shortly. Please stand clear of the closing doors.


  1. Mr Cooper,dancing, writing, aah im sooo excited!!!
    *waits in anticipation*

  2. That all sounds very exciting- can't wait to find out more!

  3. The smooching of 2 lovely men? I'm confused , have you been smooching or were they smooching each other?

  4. i was doing the stage smooching. It's a tough life!

  5. What is it like working on a piece at the ground level?
