30 November, 2019

'Autumn' By Alice Cary

Shorter and shorter now the twilight clips
   The days, as though the sunset gates they crowd,
And Summer from her golden collar slips
   And strays through stubble-fields, and moans aloud,

Save when by fits the warmer air deceives,
   And, stealing hopeful to some sheltered bower,
She lies on pillows of the yellow leaves,
   And tries the old tunes over for an hour.

The wind, whose tender whisper in the May
   Set all the young blooms listening through th’ grove,
Sits rustling in the faded boughs to-day
   And makes his cold and unsuccessful love.

The rose has taken off her tire of red—
   The mullein-stalk its yellow stars have lost,
And the proud meadow-pink hangs down her head
   Against earth’s chilly bosom, witched with frost.

The robin, that was busy all the June,
   Before the sun had kissed the topmost bough,
Catching our hearts up in his golden tune,
   Has given place to the brown cricket now.

The very cock crows lonesomely at morn—
   Each flag and fern the shrinking stream divides—
Uneasy cattle low, and lambs forlorn
   Creep to their strawy sheds with nettled sides.

Shut up the door: who loves me must not look
   Upon the withered world, but haste to bring
His lighted candle, and his story-book,
   And live with me the poetry of Spring.

28 November, 2019

Thanksgiving Rituals: a List

a joyless day of thanks to you and yours
- Cook the cranberries till they pop, and then not eat them because I actually sort of hate cranberries

- Recall Thanksgivings of the past in foreign lands

- Recite the things we are thankful for

- Make the table look gorgeous (lordy do I love to set a table) with golden chargers and all kinds of decorative gear

- Watch the two episodes of The West Wing featuring Thanksgiving themes (The Butterball Hotline episode and the pardoning of Trey the turkey episode where CJ leads the children in song. Classics.)

- Talk about dad

- Wear mom’s handmade pilgrim hats 

- putting up the tree after dinner to the first round of Christmas carols 

- and take humorless pilgrim photos

- Create some new kind of tradition because there are no Thanksgiving traditions, really

- Go for a walk, no matter the weather 

- embracing the fact that Thanksgiving is a holiday for which, I truly have no set rituals

our first tree together!

12 November, 2019

Brushes with Celebrity (not-at-all related to my acting career): A List

  • Walter Matthau, 1985, he was at the bank and apparently took quite a shine to me as I wept in his face (“give her candy! Give her fifty dollars!”) 
  • Daryl Hannah, bought $5 worth of cookies and lemonade from my lemonade stand in her vintage red convertible, 1989 
  • Anna Maria Alberghetti, my neighbor in Los Angeles (and girlfriend of Dr. Pasternak, my mother’s OBGYN / the man who literally delivered me out of my mother’s body) 
  • Steven Tyler, waking down the streets of Birmingham Michigan. Confused. 
  • Katie Holmes, at the Detroit Metro airport, her security team mistook me for her at Christmas, circa 2004. 
  • Buzz Aldrin, 2010, at Bar Centrale. Sitting with Nancy Opel and he walked past with his wife, and Nancy and I both realized that *HE HAS BEEN TO THE ACTUAL MOON.* 
  • Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 2018, I sat NEXT TO HER at the Shakespeare Theatre Company Gala. She had a glass of sparkling wine. Divine.
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