31 March, 2017

'This is Prophetic!' from Nixon in China

'This is Prophetic!'
from Nixon in China 
Music by John Adams
Libretto by Alice Goodman

The children in the U.S.A. all say hello.
I used to be a teacher many years ago
and now I’m here to learn from you.

(Smiling and waving, Mrs. Nixon and her entourage
leave the commune and proceed to the next stop on her
tour: the Summer Palace where she is photographed
strolling through the Hall of Benevolence and
Longevity, the Hall of Happiness in Longevity,
the Hall of Dispelling the Clouds, and the Pavilion
of the Fragrance of Buddha. She pauses in the gate
of Longevity and Good Will to sing)

This is prophetic! I foresee a time will come when
luxury dissolves into the atmosphere like a perfume,
and everywhere the simple virtues root
and branch and leaf and flower.
On that bench there we’ll relax
and taste the fruit of all our actions.
Why regret life which is so much like a dream?
Let the eternal plan resume.
In the bedroom communities let us be taken by surprise.
Yes! Let the band play on and on,
let the stand-up comedian finish his act,
let Gypsy Rose kick off her high-heeled party shoes;
let interested businessmen speculate further,
let routine dull the edge of mortality.
Let days grow imperceptibly longer,
let the sun set in cloud;
let lonely drivers on the road pull over for a bite to eat,
let the farmer switch on the light over the porch,
let passer by look in at the large family
around the table, let them pass.
Let the expression on the face
of the Statue of Liberty change just a little,
let her see what lies inland:
across the plain one man is marching...
the Unknown Soldier has risen from his tomb,
let him be recognized at home.
The Prodigal. Give him his share:
the eagle nailed to the barn door.
Let him be quick.
The sirens wail as bride
and groom kiss through the veil.
Bless this union with all its might,
let it remain inviolate.

29 March, 2017

Seeing my novel for the very first time...

Yesterday, I received the advanced reading copy galleys of 'After Anatevka.'

It is the very first time I have seen my book as a BOOK. In the shape, weight, texture, and smell of a book.

There are no words to explain what this feels like. A bit like birth. It is certainly the most significant and enduring offering of my soul to ever emerge from me, and will last longer than any play, will last longer than me.

Dear hardworking dreamers, keep going.

23 March, 2017

Be right back!

Dearest Readers,

I know that I have been a liiiiiiittle MIA in 2017, and it is only because birthing a book out into the world is a lot like, well, birth! Conceiving the idea is the fun part, then there are months of morning sickness and achy joints and hormonal rages, then the pain and ouch and crazy of birth itself, and then BAM! A miracle!

I cannot wait to share After Anatevka with all of you. The amount of learning and growing and discovery and gratitude has all been overwhelming.

All of this is to say, I know I have been neglecting dear London Still, and I'll be right back!


