17 September, 2014

Ask Al: Just Ask.

Dear Al,

I have a quick professional question. As you know after the New York Showcase I connected with a great manager. We seem to be working loosely together — I'd say he is more "mentoring and helping" me with the transition rather than me being a traditional client. 

I am wondering if it is okay to ask his help with being seen for a specific production? I have every intention for going to the EPA [Actor's Equity open audition], but should I still ask? I am more than anything afraid to step on his toes- more out of ignorance than anything else.

All the best and Thank you,



Girl I hear you!

These first few years after graduation can be super awkward in regards to how one talks to their representation, etc. Don't feel the need to be overly formal or cautious.
Just ask. Most people are nice, relatively not-crazy people who want to help (unless they truly can't, or are truly BURIED in workwhich happens).

I realize it is scary. It is new. You have to get used to adult life where people don't cater to your needs in the same ways they do in college. But with absolutely zero effort you have the power of choice: do you
A) unravel into a freak-out of nail-biting, high pitched crazy-lady screaming colossal-ness? 
B) ...not.
For the most part (unless the request is outrageous) follow this "JUST ASK" format:
     "Hi Scott this is M" is great.
Versus say,
     "Scooooootty. DUDE, my MAAAAAN..."
     "Hello Mr. Berowitzensteinenberg this is Madame Michelle McGiver, BFA, of Weeblywoo, Iowandia, inquiring in regards to..."
Or whatever.

Basicallydon't be SHY, and if you FEEL shy, fake it til you make it. You're an actress.

     "Hi, I'm calling about the tour of 101 Dalmatians: The Musical Extravaganza. I think I'm a good match for the project and was planning to go the EPA but if you could get me an appointment, that would be great. Let me know and thank you so much."

     "This is what I need help withhave a good one, okay bye!"
Done and done.

If you don't get your way, just move on.
Don't take it personally. Don't go nuts. Don't quit the business or move to Guam.
In all of life, but particularly in a tough business, disappointments have to roll off like water off a duck's back.
Move on to the next project, goal-post, or dream.
It's out there for you.

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