27 June, 2009

I've been:

dreaming of Moscow, saltspring, drive-in movies and Lake Baikal

getting ready for birthday number twenty-six (eek!)

freezing raspberries and lemon slices for pitchers of pink lemonade

swooning over the thames at dusk

admiring my new red shoes (over 3/4 of my shoes are red...problem?)

clomping around on my own with books and popsicles

struggling to embrace the fresh start

writing like a crazy person

crushing on kevin kline

indulging in greek yogurt. sometimes twice a day.

feeling ridiculously proud of carousel

contemplating a haircut. a real one. where all the hair goes. for the first time in my life.

slicing up and consuming watermelon at alarming rates.

missing fireflies and fairway and birmingham and 1367 summer, and feeling far from the home i love.

writing about Love

maybe spending too much time on the south bank...

planning monumental trips to siberia
...and my best friend's wedding

courting an orange dress at karen millen

trying to turn the inner owl clock around
...and sort of failing

hunting down happiness

loving the way the sun hangs on for hours. Ah the height of summer!

contemplating toenail colour possibilities
...overthinking it, in truth (someone said to me the other day "friends don't let friends have ugly feet...")

feeling totally YUM about summer


  1. I love that you have many red shoes... I need to accumulate more.

    And I recently cut ALL of my hair off (well... 10 inches) and donated it. The best thing I did. Donate!

    Congratulations on Carousel. I loved it!

  2. its surprising we dont ever collide on the southbank....I spend FAR too much time there :)

  3. Al...i really enjoy reading your blogs.So,so cool!

    As for the hair,be sure before your take such a big step,as it will take years to get it so long again.

    Once again...loved 'Carousel' i'll defo come & see you again in the future :-)

  4. I've been:

    blowing through packs of film at an alarming rate
    perfecting my skeeball game
    slicing up melon
    listening to 3rd graders sing classics
    thinking they probably sing them better than anyone else in the world
    feeling thankful for awesome school teachers
    seriously loving some zines

    love "i've been"!!

  5. Happy Birthday from one of your first theater families, way back when!

  6. Hope you had a great birthday!
